Friday, November 29, 2019

Students Should Be Allowed to Take Their Choice of Courses free essay sample

There has been much debate on whether or not high schools should choose courses for their students. While others are of the opinion that courses should be chosen for students, others believe that students should be given the opportunity to choose the courses they wish to study. In my point of view, high schools should give students the chance to choose the courses they want to study. First of all, students should be given the opportunity to take their future into their own hands. Before students move to high schools, they have studied in primary schools and best know the subjects they are good at.Some even decide the subjects they will do in high schools while they are still in primary schools. So, choosing a subject for students like these ones who have already made first hand decisions on what to do in high schools will be detrimental for them and their career. We will write a custom essay sample on Students Should Be Allowed to Take Their Choice of Courses or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Furthermore, some students already know what to do in future before they move to high schools. There are students whose family members are already workers in places like; companies and hospitals. A student might decide to major in electrical engineering because a family member has guaranteed him or her a job in an engineering company.The school might not know this and decide that the student takes arts courses. This will be doing more harm than good to the student, and there is a high possibility that the student will not have the desire to study in that domain, because he/she does not know the importance of it in his/her future. Finally, some students hate certain subjects in primary school, and will want to avoid those subjects when they move to high schools. While in primary school, students perform differently in different subjects, and will want to avoid those courses they consider as their personal nightmare when they are in high schools.If subjects are to be chosen for students, there will be a possibility that one of these courses might be selected for the student. If he/she continues to perform poorly in the subject, it can even cause him/her to drop out of school. To conclude, high schools are places where students go to prepare for their future, and for those reasons; students should be given the chance to take their future into their own hands. If in addition that student knows the specific job they will do in future and hate majoring in subjects they consider as their nightmares, they should be given the opportunity to select the courses they want to study.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on STDs

STD’S STD’s are sexually transmitted diseases that are among the leading causes of HIV and other diseases. They are a group of harmful diseases and without special treatment they can result or lead to other major diseases, and even death. STD’s are also the most common infectious diseases in the world today that spread through sexual contact, mother to child during delivery, and through the sharing of needles. Two of the most common curable STD’s are Trichomoniasis and Vaginistis that are also spread through sexual intercourse and bacteria. Trichomoniasis is a type of STD that can affect both women and men. It is caused by single-celled protozoan parasite Trichomoniasis vaginals. Trichomoniasis is usually transmitted through penis-to-vagina intercourse. Symptoms in men irritation in the penis result in a mild discharge, and a slight burning after urination (â€Å"Trichomoniasis†). For women signs or infection may contain a strong odd colored discharge with an odor, irritation or itching in a genital area, and lower abdominal pain. When diagnosing Trichomoniasis a physician must first perform a physical examination and laboratory test. In examination women may reveal red ulcerations on the vagina, or cervix; however the disease is very hard to detect in men (â€Å"Trichomoniasis†). Treatment for Trichomoniasis is usually through prescription drugs. Those who choose to have sex during treatment are more that likely to be infected, or reinfected. For women vaginal creams containing metronidazole may be used for a limited period of time. If one chooses to have sexual intercourse he/she must use a condom during the time of treatment. Trichomoniasis can be prevented by using condoms correctly and carefully during sexual intercourse. It can also be prevented by limiting the number of sex partners. However the number one prevention is to practice sexual abstinence (â€Å"Trichomoniasis). Another common curabl... Free Essays on STD's Free Essays on STD's STD’S STD’s are sexually transmitted diseases that are among the leading causes of HIV and other diseases. They are a group of harmful diseases and without special treatment they can result or lead to other major diseases, and even death. STD’s are also the most common infectious diseases in the world today that spread through sexual contact, mother to child during delivery, and through the sharing of needles. Two of the most common curable STD’s are Trichomoniasis and Vaginistis that are also spread through sexual intercourse and bacteria. Trichomoniasis is a type of STD that can affect both women and men. It is caused by single-celled protozoan parasite Trichomoniasis vaginals. Trichomoniasis is usually transmitted through penis-to-vagina intercourse. Symptoms in men irritation in the penis result in a mild discharge, and a slight burning after urination (â€Å"Trichomoniasis†). For women signs or infection may contain a strong odd colored discharge with an odor, irritation or itching in a genital area, and lower abdominal pain. When diagnosing Trichomoniasis a physician must first perform a physical examination and laboratory test. In examination women may reveal red ulcerations on the vagina, or cervix; however the disease is very hard to detect in men (â€Å"Trichomoniasis†). Treatment for Trichomoniasis is usually through prescription drugs. Those who choose to have sex during treatment are more that likely to be infected, or reinfected. For women vaginal creams containing metronidazole may be used for a limited period of time. If one chooses to have sexual intercourse he/she must use a condom during the time of treatment. Trichomoniasis can be prevented by using condoms correctly and carefully during sexual intercourse. It can also be prevented by limiting the number of sex partners. However the number one prevention is to practice sexual abstinence (â€Å"Trichomoniasis). Another common curabl...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Mashreq Bank (Employee Empowerment) Research Paper

Mashreq Bank (Employee Empowerment) - Research Paper Example ..........................................10 2.1 Variables of Research......................................10 2.2 Hypothesis.......................................................11 2.3 Schematic Diagram †¦.....................................12 2.4 Methodology....................................................12 2.5 Sample †¦........................................................12 2.6 Data Collection................................................12 2.7 Data Analysis and Interpretation......................13 2.8 Generalizability................................................13 3.0 Findings........................................................................15 3.1 Results..............................................................15 3.2 Major Inferences...............................................17 3.3 Recommendations.............................................20 Conclusion †¦.....................................................................20 Referen ces †¦......................................................................21 Appendix.............................................................................22 Executive Summary This paper examines the problems with employee empowerment in Mashreq Bank, an Emirati bank. The paper undertakes a thorough literature review and conducts a survey to identify the actual cause of the the problem with employee empowerment. ... search recommends that the board of directors should be encouraged to take a critical look at this issue and support in making reforms by restructuring the bank and encouraging participation of subordinates. 1.0 Introduction This research deliverable is about employment issues in Mashreq Bank. It is structured in three main components. The first part provides an insight into the bank and its problem and formulates the research questions. The second part focuses on the research design and methodology to initiate an inquiry into the problem The third part provides the findings of the research and the study. It gives a detailed account of the the study and the conclusions that were arrived through the study. 1.1 Background of Mashreq Bank Mashreq Bank was opened in the United Arab Emirates in 1967 (Mashreq Bank Overview, 2012). It has served millions of customers since its inception over 40 years ago. The bank continues to operate with its headquarters in Dubai, the growing commercial c enter and geostrategic location of the Persian-Gulf region. Mashreq Bank has branches in Egypt, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain and the Indian-Subcontinent. It has ambitions of expanding further and providing Islamic-oriented banking services in the Middle East and around the world. Mashreq Bank's core competency lies in the fact that it provides its customers with modern products and innovative services. This is evidenced by the fact that it maintains high technological facilities and well trained staff members who continue to provide world-class services to customers of the bank. In 2011, Mashreq Bank made a net profit of 803 million Arab Emirate Dirham. This was from a working capital of 4.4 billion Arab Emirate Dirham and a total asset base of over 84 billion Arab Emirate Dirham [the average

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Databases Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Databases - Coursework Example Relational databases use specific integrity rules to facilitate accurate collection of data and to make that data accessible. Firstly, the rows in a relational database must all be unique. In case of duplicate rows problems can crop up when resolving which of the two likely selections is the right one. For most DBMSs (databases management systems) users are able to specify that duplicate rows are not permitted, and when that is done the DBMS will block the addition of any rows that are identical to an existing one. Another integrity rule of relational databases is that column values should not be repeating arrays or groups. The third involves the logic of a null value. A database handles situations where information may not be available by employing a null value to show that a value is absent (Pathak, 2008). It is not equal to a blank or zero; a blank is equal to another blank and a zero is only equal to another zero. Two null values are not equal. When each row in a table is unique, it is possible to use one or more columns to mark a specific row. This distinct column or group of columns is referred to as a primary key. Any column that forms a primary key cannot be null; in any case it were the primary key which it is a part of would cease to be a complete identifier. This rule is known as entity integrity. Relational databases can greatly enhance the quality control and accessibility to organizations’ sensitive and valuable information materials. It can contribute towards a competitive edge by facilitating business analysis that can help to determine methods of improving products and services (Pathak, 2008). In comparison to non-relational database settings, relational databases are more flexible hence easily adapt to dynamic business needs. In addition, unlimited access to sensitive data means better data for more effective decision-making. Relational databases can also have a huge positive impact on numerous MIS

Monday, November 18, 2019

Market Structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Market Structure - Essay Example Discussion of the market structures Perfect market competition In perfect market competition, economists recite that there are many firms, price takers, and the number of suppliers tends to be equal to the number of suppliers in the market. The reason of its occurrence is the ideology that informative buyers and sellers deal with homogeneous products (Stackelberg, et al 2011). Monopoly market structure The structure leads to the domination of the market by one producer of a certain product whose utility serves the needs of a broad group of clientele thus; the business entity manipulates the supply and pricing utilities and buyers rest to no obligation other than making purchases at different prices per unit of consumption (Oner, 2013). Monopolistic competition The situation occurs when there are many firms in market competing to market their products but often differ as they produce different types of products. The freedom of entry and exit rests upon the buyers and sellers and they obviously lack information thus they live in an imperfectly competitive market (Heywood, 2006). Duopoly market structure The advent of duopoly in a market occurs in the presence of two firms that are interdependent and obviously collude in their bid to execute their programs. There is a possibility of restrained policies to market entrants. The firms also restrain each other seeking to excel profitable through price leadership. Oligopoly market structure This market structure presents varied characteristics since the present firms often compete against each other despite the fact that they show a higher degree of interdependence. There exists the characteristic of non-price competition and an often possibility of collusion among the firms. There are barriers imposed to the new market entrants (Oner, 2013). The Californian market structure The markets pose different ownership structures with some depicting horizontal while others depict vertical structures. Research ascertains that p ower production utilities in Californian markets are authorized by the government to produce essentially on cost-based approaches rather than regulatory approaches (Stackelberg, et al 2011). However, the distribution of power through transmission rests regulated by the authorities thus ensuring equated supply to meet the existing demand rather than leaving the mandate to the producers who may aim to deliver to consumers who tend to pose higher marginal consumptions over domestic consumers. Arguably, the Californian market structure in the electricity sector seems to be a monopoly as well as a duopoly in that after production of the power by differentiated utilities restrains the entry of new firms. Further, the situation leads to the stipulation of prices in accordance to the will of the producers however, the system of duopoly shifts to oligopoly as the power producing utilities seek to gain abundant benefits while the authorities restrain them from accessing the consumers. Further , monopolistic competition prevails in the energy sector of California since the firms differ in production of energy from coal, hydropower utilities, and nuclear power production mechanisms (Bushnell, Mansur, and Saravia, 2004). Effects of high entry

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Strategies to Determine Art Work Authenticity

Strategies to Determine Art Work Authenticity Examination of the scientific techniques used to determine the authenticity of ark work Abstract The essay will detail the many different scientific techniques that are used to determine the authenticity of art work. Various pieces of artwork will need to be authenticated as there are many fraudulent artwork being sold worldwide. This essay will discover whether scientific techniques are the best process in authenticating art work, the many paintings that have undergone examination with scientific techniques and whether these techniques help to distinguish the original from fake. Introduction Authenticity in art can be defined as the real, genuine and true likeness of a piece of art work done by the artist themselves. There are a high percentage of paintings that have been sold and that are waiting to be sold which are fraudulent. This paper will outline the different types of art crimes that are committed, reasons why these art crimes are committed and the scientific techniques that are used to distinguish original and forged paintings. Many scientific techniques such as infrared are used on art work pieces that are believed to be counterfeit and with the use of theses scientific techniques, many art associations can distinguish between the paintings that are genuine. Although it may seem strange that a scientific technique such as IR can be used in detecting authenticity, there are many cases where fraudulent paintings have be detected using such techniques. The Han Van Meegeren case further examines the background information as to how his paintings where forged and how, using scientific techniques, they were detected as fraudulent. This will be discussed further. Another case being examined is the Leonardo Da Vinci case, which details how an authentic painting could have not been detected if it were not for the use of scientific techniques. Many artists have left their identities on their art paintings such as fingerprints and signatures, which help in the aid of authenticating a painting. Personal identification such as finger printing and signatures can be compared to reference samples taken from the artists themselves. Is it possible to view a painting, with human judgement and detect whether a painting is authentic? Or could using scientific techniques detect how legitimate a painting really is? Main Section There are many art crimes that are committed worldwide. Crimes such as theft, money laundering and forgery all take place in the art world. In the UK, approximately  £300 million art and antiques are stolen each year and is the second highest crime rate behind drug dealing now in the UK (1). Art theft has a very high crime rate because it has been known to be difficult to track and because of this, the recovery rate of getting art and antiques back to the owners are very rare. Art paintings and antiques that can be easily copied, are mostly likely to be forged; the more complex a painting, the harder it is for one to forge. Artists that forge paintings not only replicate a painting but they also go about making fraudulent copies of provenances. The certificate of origin is very easy to forge as the history of a painting can be easily fabricated. There are different scientific techniques that are used to examine art fraud such as Infrared, Ultraviolet, Digital Analysis and Optical Microscope. All techniques used, examine and result in mixed conclusions about a painting. The common aspect of all techniques used can all determine whether an art piece is authentic. Two or more scientific techniques are often used when authenticating art work to ensure accurate findings and support the results of the previous testing. A scientific technique such as IR, is a non-destructive analysis, which absorbs carbon based materials such as graphite and determines the underlying layers of a painting. Small sections of a painting can be enhanced to show the artists original intent and validate whether the painting is an original (2). Using infrared light, wavelengths are absorbed and reflected to show different pigments in the paint, which are used in the underlying drawing, if any. Another scientific technique used to determine the authenticity of art work is Ultraviolet radiation. This analysis is often the primary technique as it is a quick and inexpensive test that can prove to be very significant. The UV light reveals any change within a paintings’ surface. Ultraviolet radiation of the light reflects the surface of the layer of the painting and shows what condition the varnish layer of the painting is in. Another UV analysis is UV fluorescence. UV florescence can detect varnishes and pigments present on the painting and whether varnishes have been removed. This is an important feature as newer, modern varnishes used on paintings do not fluoresce under UV light compared to the varnishes used in older paintings. Natural resin varnishes were the most commonest varnishes used and these particular varnishes do fluoresce. UV is also an important technique as it can also detect any retouching and over paintings made on a previous painting. Paintings which a re under the seen image, when fluoresced, appear darker than the original fluorescent areas (3). Optical microscopy is a technique which sequences and studies the layers of an art piece. It can also be used to analyse the surface, condition and the size of pigment grains (4). When a painting is viewed under normal light, an analyst can see many details such as brushwork, textures and cracks that are present. Optical microscopy is important as it can investigate whether a painting has been altered by studying a small cross sectional piece of a painting. A cross section is removed from an edge or a previously damaged area of a painting and from this, layers of the painting can be inspected under bother normal and UV light (4). Original paintings that have not been tampered with are expected to have three layers present, when the cross section is studied. These three layers are; the prepared canvas layer, the paint pigment layer and the varnish layer. Paintings which have more than three layers are considered to be altered and questions of whether these paintings are authentic or n ot arise. An example of an altered painting layer is; canvas layer, paint layer, varnish layer, varnish layer, paint layer and varnish layer. As seen above, this example cannot be the layers of an original piece and so further analysis would be done to confirm its authenticity. Han Van Meegeren Around the 1930s Van Meegeren composed a plan to forge a large Vanmeer religious style painting. His first forgery was a painting called Christ and the Disciples at Emmaus. Meegeren studied the seventeenth century pigment formulas he was going to use to paint this and ensured he placed the painting on a recycled ‘unimportant’ canvas, which was also painted in the seventeenth – century (5). ( On all paintings that Van Meegeren created, he used the same characters and the same location as the originals. In many of the paintings the woman and the man look very recognisable to the original paintings along with the window ledge that the paintings were painted around. Van Meegeren went on to forge many more Vanmeer paintings (5), where upon completion sold one to the Nazis. Upon his sale, he was arrested and confessed to be the forger of the recent Vanmeer paintings. To prove he was the forger of the Vanmeer paintings, Van Meegeren painted his last Vanmeer painting in front of the prison guards. After Van Meegeren was confirmed the forger of the Vanmeer paintings from sight, scientific techniques were used for exact confirmation. Such techniques used for determination of authenticity of those specific paintings were X-Radiology analysis, Chemical analysis and Microscopy analysis (6). A scientific technique such as X-Ray analysis is also a non-destructive technique, which detects any underlying substance beneath a surface of a painting, see through pigment layers and show whether there are/were any damaged areas within the art work. This can be used to build up a time line of a particular painting, age and authenticate the work (7). In the Vanmeer case, X-Ray analysis detected a previous painting that laid beneath the current painting due to the amount of lead isotopes detected in the lead based paints that Van Meegeren used to paint the Vanmeer pieces. The isotopes found were compared to the actual isotopes that would have been used if indeed the paintings were painted in Va nmeers living days (8). The chemical analysis taken from the painting ‘The Woman taken in Adultery and The Woman Reading Music’, identified traces of cobalt blue used in the pigment of the paint Meegeren used. This was found to be an artificial pigment, which was not manufactured until the 19th century. When the artificial pigment was detected and confirmed not to have been present in the Vanmeer day, it was further confirmation of the forgery committed by Meegeren (6). In this case the use of scientific techniques was essential when determining whether the Vanmeer paintings were indeed authentic. Without these techniques, visual judgement would not have distinguished the real Vanmeer’s to the fraudulent artwork as they were very good duplicates. Leonardo Da Vinci A drawing of a young womans head also known as ‘La Bella Principessa’ was discovered in 1998. It was not until many years later, that the drawing was thought to be a drawing by Da Vinci himself and was confirmed to be an authentic copy. The drawing was seen by many people in many different museums and was not thought to have been more than 100 years old. When the examination of this drawing took place, it was thought to be an important rediscovery to the artworld.(9). ( IR was one of the scientific techniques used to determine its authorship and authenticity. This technique was used in camera form and by scanning the drawing, it revealed a smudged partial fingerprint on the top left hand corner of the drawing. A forensic art fingerprint expert analysed the fingerprint and matched it to a known fingerprint left by Da Vinci on another piece of his work (9). Another scientific technique used was carbon-14 testing. This was used to analyse and date the paper the drawing was placed upon. The drawing was placed on a sheet of vellum and with carbon-14 testing, it dated back to 1440-1650 (9). This was around the time of Da Vinci era. These two discoveries which date back to Da Vinci era, verified the drawing to be an authentic copy. Without the use of scientific techniques done on La Bella Principessa, its ownership and authenticity would have not been known. The fingerprint and the paper this drawing was placed upon would never have been identified without the use of scientific techniques, which confirms that scientific techniques corrobates authenticated work. Discussion Scientific techniques used to authenticating art work as seen above proves to be an important aspect in the art world. If all art work before being sold and entering museums were to be scientifically tested, the amount of forgery done to paintings would reduce considerably more. Without the use of techniques such as IR, UV and X-Ray, the authentication of paintings would not be possible. The methods outlined are all successful methods that were used and are still being used today as they outline important aspects of artwork when examined, and can prove whether a painting is authentic or not. Many scientific techniques used are non-destructive and today the most used scientific technique is Ramen Spectroscopy (10). Ramen spectroscopy is the now the preferred technique than X-Ray as it is a technique which detects organic and inorganic pigments that are used in paints, which can distinguish the timeline of when the pigments were made (10). Conclusion From the information gathered, it is right to say that the use of scientific techniques is the right analysis used to determine the authenticity of art work. Many scientific techniques whether IR or pigment analysis aid in the authentication process and as seen above prove to be a significant process. Authentic paintings are discovered through the scientific process and counterfeit paintings are uncovered. By visual aspect of a painting and by human judgement one cannot determine whether an art piece is authentic or not. Scientific techniques prove to be a distinct process when authenticating. References (1) (Accessed on 22/02/2014) (2) (Accessed on 23/02/2014) (3) (Accessed on 24/02/2014) (4) (Accessed on 25/02/2014) (5) (Accessed on 21/02/2014) (6) (Accessed on 25/02/2014) (7) (Accessed on 21/02/2014) (8) (Accessed on 20/02/2014) (9) (Accessed on 26/02/2014) (10) (Accessed on 26/02/2014)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Synthetic and Natural Rubber Essay -- Comparison Material Rubber

Synthetic and Natural Rubber Abstract Rubber is an important resource with a wide variety of applications. It can be obtained naturally from the rubber tree, Hevea brasiliensis. It can also be synthesized from petroleum and natural gas. Both natural and synthetic rubbers have their own advantages and disadvantages. Natural rubber is made up the linear chain polymer, cis-l,4-polyisoprene. Styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) is the most common synthetic rubber. It is a random copolymer of styrene and butadiene and has good physical properties once it has been strengthened through vulcanization. Introduction Rubber is an elastomer that can be obtained naturally from certain trees or synthesized from petroleum and natural gas. [1] It is a valuable resource that is commonly used in tires, machine belting, wire insulation, and shoe soles. Rubber is created naturally, most commonly by the rubber tree, Hevea brasiliensis .[1] There are many different types of synthetic rubber including: isoprene, butadiene, polysulfides, polychloroprene, nitrile rubber, and styrenebutadiene rubber. [3] There are advantages and disadvantages of both synthetic and natural rubber. Results Hevea trees are native to the Amazon region, but were brought to Asia, which is now the largest producer of natural rubber. [1] Natural rubber is obtained by a process called tapping. [2] A knife is used to make a shallow cut in the tree to allow latex to flow freely and be collected in a cup.[2] A single tapping yields about 50 grams of rubber and usually occurs once every two days. [2] Natural rubber can be produced at a rate of about 1 ton of rubber per acre per year. [2] Natural rubber is the linear chain polymer, cis-l,4-polyisoprene. The polymer is ... ...lant Products. 7 Jan. 1998. 29 July 2008 . [8] Rodgers, Brendan, Donald S. Tracey, and Walter H. Waddell. Biosynthesis of natural rubber. Digital image. EBSCOhost. Aug. 2005. 29 July 2008 4c49b0571e04%40sessionmgr7>. [9] Rodgers, Brendan, Donald S. Tracey, and Walter H. Waddell. Configuration of polyisoprene molecule. Digital image. EBSCOhost. Aug. 2005. 29 July 2008 4c49b0571e04%40sessionmgr7>. [10] Copolymer: random arrangement [Styrene-butadiene copolymer]. Digital image. Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica Online. 29 July 2008 rubber-sbr#default>.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Character Motivations in Antigone Essay

The main characters in Sophocles’ drama, Antigone, are Antigone herself, the play’s tragic heroine and Antigone’s uncle and King of Thebes, Creon. Both characters are ruled by powerful motivations and beliefs; however, they differ from one character to the next. Antigone’s motivation is love for her family- she puts it above all else. In fact, she is willing to sacrifice her life to defend that love. Antigone goes to great lengths to bury her deceased brother, who according to an edict issued by King Creon, died in dishonor, consequently making it illegal for anyone to bury his body. Through her actions to comply with her motivations, it is revealed that Antigone’s actions are also fueled by her strong beliefs that, first, the gods’ laws are more powerful than any law made by man, and second, that it is better to die a heroic death than a cowardly one. Throughout the play, Antigone stands firm on these beliefs by standing up for them even through her death as demonstrated through the following dialogue in which she admits her crime, and voices her beliefs to Creon; â€Å"It was not Zeus who published this decree, nor have the powers who rule among the dead imposed such laws as this upon mankind; nor could I think that a decree of yours- A man- could override the laws of heaven unwritten and unchanging†¦For me to meet this doom (death) is little grief; But when my mother’s son lay dead, had I neglected him and left him there unburied, That would have caused me grief; this causes me none† (437-459). This scene illustrates the essence of Antigone’s character. She’s defending her â€Å"crime† of burying her brother, thus demonstrating that she is motivated by the love that she has for her family. She’s further justifying her act by stating that Creon’s law is not the law that she feels she must adhere to- she follows the gods laws, another one of her guiding beliefs, and finally, she’s not only accepting her impending doom, but actually welcoming it because she’s dying defending her beliefs, therefore dying a heroic death rather than dying in cowardice. On the other hand, Creon is also motivated by love; however, his love is love for his country, rather than his family. He puts country above all else, including his family- he’s willing to do whatever he needs to do to make sure that Thebes remains powerful. In order to achieve this goal he demands loyalty from his subjects, once again, family included; he rules by intimidation, and is very proud. In fact, pride is another one of his major motivations. For these reasons, his character is a feared leader. First of all, the fact that he issues that his nephew cannot be buried shows that- one, he demands loyalty, even over loyalty to the gods, and two, he defends his country over his family. He continues displaying his beliefs when he doesn’t revoke the edict even after his wife, and niece clearly disagree with it. Creon’s pride continues to take precedent when he begins falsely accusing his subjects, and acting rashly with little thought. Creon’s character, while a complex character is strongly represented in much of his dialogue, perhaps this passage of dialogue between Creon and the prophet Teiresias best captures his essence. â€Å"Sir, all of you, like bowmen at a target, let fly your shafts at me. Now they have turned even diviners on me! By that tribe I am bought and sold and stowed away on board. Go, make your profits, drive your trade in Lydian silver or in Indian gold, but him you shall not bury in a tomb, no, not though Zeus’ own eagles eat the corpse and bear the carrion to their master’s throne: Not even so, for fear of that defilement, will I permit his burial-for well I know that mortal man cannot defile the gods† (994-1006). Through this single quote, Creon demonstrates all of his predominate qualities; he’s accusing Teiresias of bribery, therefore, acting before thinking, he won’t repeal his edict even though he admits that the edict does defy Zeus, thus illustrating his pride. He likes being in power of a powerful state, so much so that he is blind to his own pride, and is fine with ruling by intimidation and demanding loyalty from his subjects.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The censorship of internet sites linked with violence and pornography Essay Example

The censorship of internet sites linked with violence and pornography Essay Example The censorship of internet sites linked with violence and pornography Essay The censorship of internet sites linked with violence and pornography Essay With the invention of computer and the broadcast media via the internet enabling the avalanche of information and other possibilities, is the expansion of man’s reach to have his â€Å"forbidden† desires fulfilled. Because the idea of these inventions – in particular, the internet had made the world into what â€Å"one global village†, the good, as oftentimes supposed, outweighs the bad. Then again, it is naà ¯vetà © to ignore scores of incidents relating to the influence of the non-regulation or minimal regulation of internet sites with ties to violence or pornography. There is truth that we cannot prevent people who think of earning much from the basest of human’s needs or even by the sheer enjoyment or perversion of it; however, to turn the other way and allow the proliferation of these sites without sanctions, is essentially inviting violence or perversion to visit our doorsteps. It is the stand of this paper that internet sites linked to inc idents of violence or pornography be censored. This argument evidences on ethics and researches made on the issues. Discussion Many of those who become responsible parents recognize the potential dangers of unsupervised children exploring the internet. The accessibility (virtually everywhere) of internet, from the home to the school, and cafà ©s in every neighborhood, accounts for the possibility that anytime, children will be exposed to highly violent or pornographic internet materials. Some think that with the net explosion, it has become a vogue and an accepted fact that possibly, the threat to the effects on behavior and psyche of children and adolescents in particular, and to the larger community in general has been exaggerated by what they call as â€Å"alarmists.† A. Arguments for Non-censorship On the pros camp, several reasons and/or premises prevail to satisfy their position that there is no need for censorship. Firstly, the fact that the US Supreme Court decided to honor the freedom of speech provision of the constitution, is evidence enough that there is no adequate basis for the censorship of these identified sites. Secondly, people, they argue, just don’t â€Å"accidentally† type and get logged on onto sites as these; the reason being that children when using the internet do not have interests on sites, i.e. violent and pornographic, that cater to adult needs. Thirdly, sites that are available for adults usually require registration and are strong deterrents to minors who navigate these sites for curiosity-sake. B. Argument for Censorship Firstly, the US Supreme Court’s decision to uphold freedom of speech does not translate with the acceptance that there is no threat at all of the effects of the navigation of these sites by children, adolescents and adults. These are two differing premises and should be addressed differently. What is at stake between these two is actually the choice between ethical considerations. Up to now, whoever comprises the SC must not only answer to what is just legal. The provisions in our constitution are subject to interpretations, and interpretations, no matter ho seemingly rational, can oftentimes be unethical. Moreover, interpretations depend on the person/s behind these, and people can err, no matter their position, learning, or status in life. Secondly, the argument that â€Å"people (or children/teens for that matter) just don’t accidentally ‘type’ and navigate toward these sites† could true but practically, not at all times. In a study by Greenfield (2004, p.741-750), the â€Å"inadvertent exposure† and its results show that in more ways than one, many children and teens do indeed, experience this by way of peer-to-peer file-sharing and in some other manner. Thirdly, the third pro-camp argument referring to registration requirements as strong deterrent to teens and children, does not weigh towards the non-censorship of these sites. A mere examination or test to any one of these sites would show you that even without registration, an individual will be exposed to sexually stimulating pictures and many other samples of these variety. These samples are enough to whet the appetite of any teen to do what he could do to gain access to these sites. Conclusion It is wrong to say that there is not enough evidence to point the relationship between internet violence and pornography sites to actual negative behavior of children and teens. Research shows that pornography triggers deviant behavior (â€Å"contributes or facilitates sexual addiction†) and may manifest in â€Å"unwanted compulsive sexual acting out, voyeurism, sadomasochism, fetishism, child molestation, acts of lasciviousness, rape, etc.† Other consequences include the exploitation of children in being provoked or coerced into doing the sex act. Furthermore, experimental studies’ findings reveal that the constant exposure to pornographic pictures, videos and the like, which are readily available through the internet are â€Å"correlated with premarital sexual permissiveness† (Greenfield, in Malamuth and Impett, 2001), encourages liberal premarital sexual views even with girls, and more importantly, develops considerably more accommodating attitudes on the use of aggression towards women in either sexual or non-sexual relations (Greenfield, in Malamuth and Check, 1981). There is enough proof that point to pornography, (and its accessibility through the net increases the threat and risks) can shape and affect sexual violence, the sexual behavior, overall values of the young people and children. Wherever it may be portrayed, increasing exposure desensitizes the immature minds of children and adolescents to the impact of violence, even encourages the use of it and manifests in aggressive acts of children and youth.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Writing Admission Essay

Writing Admission Essay Writing Admission Essay Writing Admission Essay Most of the law schools require you to write a personal statement in which you must present yourself. A personal statement allows the reader to see an applicant as an individual who differs from other applicants. It is very important that your personal statement reflects you and your life as honestly as possible. Admission essay is your opportunity to talk directly with the admissions committee. It is your chance to help the admissions committee see you as a person.Your personal statement will determine whether you are being accepted or rejected by a school of your choice. Nevertheless, it is necessary to write an admission essay honestly, in an interesting way, and with proper structure. Admission Essay Writing The most important element of an essay is an evidence of your own thoughts. Admission essay topic usually presents one central question and develops a thesis, the answer to the question. Usually, you have to explain or defend your thesis with reasons and evidence gained from your own personal experience. You are expected to impress the commission with interesting thoughts gained from reading or research. It is advisable to make an outline which should include an introduction, body, and conclusion. College Admission Essay Whilewriting admission essay, many students face the problem deciding which information to include. Think about the topic of your admission essay, than create a list of your own experienced and interests, then choose the most interesting events from your life. While writing college admission essay you should also mention why you have decided to enter the chosen college and how you plan to use your life achievements in college. Your job is to sell yourself and distinguish yourself from other applicants. Everyone has qualities that are unique. Read also:http://.com/blog/college-admission-essay-topics Demonstrate your ability to think and express ideas clearly and effectively. Show motivation and capacity to succeed in college. The reason you are asked to write an admission essay is to compare the degree of similarity in research interests between you and the faculty member you wish to work with. However, your research interests should be relevant to the proposed field of study. Additionally, you should show in your college essay that you have basic knowledge in the chosen field of study. There are several different ways you can structure your essay, but the most common format includes an introduction, a body, and a concluding paragraph. Prepare an outline and create several drafts! Order Custom Admission Essay You know that writing a good admission essay is not easy and most of the students struggle with creating a powerful personal here to help college applicants with admission essay writing of any urgency. Even if you have only 12 hours left until submission, we can help you! Interesting posts: Essay Writing Tips Conclusion Writing Thesis Writing Hamlet Thesis Dissertation Service

Monday, November 4, 2019

Dominant Masculinity over Fragile Femininity in Pornography Essay

Dominant Masculinity over Fragile Femininity in Pornography - Essay Example The book Getting Off: Pornography and the End of Masculinity by Robert Jensen show predominant humiliation of women through pornography and its mass production.First and foremost, one should agree with Jensen in his argument on the end of masculinity through constant mortification of the female honor. The author is straight-forward in what pornography symbolizes for everybody. It is a mirrored look of how men see women (Jensen 122). In fact, the author gives lots of examples coincided with his personal stories so as to make the whole thing really personal for each reader. The use of gang-bangs and other porn scenes where male dominance is obvious characterizes pornography as a means to make men senseless toward women and become more aggressive instead.Notably, Jensen speaks on the issue of female fragility in a sad tone. In this respect, many episodes from his book reflect on why women are so easy to be subject to men’s obscenity and aggression. Jensen gives his way of reasoni ng on this issue, namely: â€Å"It hurts to know that no matter who you are as a woman, you can be reduced to a thing to be penetrated and that men will buy movies about that† (Jensen 14)†¦ This is a so-called interpretation that a woman’s body has become valuable solely due to its option of being penetrated by means of violent fellatio, double or triple penetrations, etc. Once again, the male dominance goes without saying in this context.It is about time to think of current generations of boys. Porn movies impose a huge desire to be aggressive and senseless toward girls on them so that to call those girls just whores as a result. Needless to say, all porn movies are normally misogynistic. The role of a man is not that important to the audience of viewers, but the way in which a woman oohing and aahing having male genitals in different parts of her body. Thus, the youngest layers of the society inherit the need for being rude and first-class (boys) and the need to comply with such attitudes (girls). As a matter of fact, such behaviors are already included in the social construct. It is a complete model of men-women interaction at every stage of their communication up to some intimate moments, so to speak.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Effect of Body Language on Oneself Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

The Effect of Body Language on Oneself - Essay Example According to the report  nonverbal communication in the simplest of terms can be defined as the process of sending a message without the use of words. It involves the use of expression of the face, the gestures we make, the postures we take, the tone of our voices and the emotions attached to it, the kind of grooming we do, the clothing we dress in, and so on.   It is important to note that the nonverbal cues one employs at times contains a message that is direct while at times the message is hidden, but all in all, these cues end up influencing the outcome of the verbal communication that we are making. It is possible to be saying one thing while our body language could be saying exactly the opposite of what we are saying.This paper declares that  it is a fact that cannot be disputed that our body language says a lot about ourselves. As human beings, we are interested in what the other persons’ body language says about them because it will basically determine how we are going to interact with them in both the short and the long run. While our nonverbal affect other peoples; how we judge them, and the outcome of the judgment, it is imperative to note that as humans, we are very much influenced by our own nonverbal especially the power dynamics aspect.  Human beings have this inbuilt tendency to display their accomplishment; that is, pride. We all express pride in one way or another.Â